Thursday, January 13, 2011

Indoor Plyometrics

If you're stuck inside with this terrible weather and are snowed in don't worry! You can do these simple exercises right in your home with no equipment.  Do each one for one minute before moving onto the next exercise.  I love plyometrics because it keeps me from getting bored, there's no equipment involved (normally), so I can do them anywhere, and it burns body fat!
Lunge Jumps:  Stand in a lunge position with one foot forward and the other in the back.  Jump up then switch feet.  Alternate feet at a fast pace while lunging down for one minute then move on to the next exercise.
Jump Squats:  Squat down like you're about to sit in a chair with your chest out and back straight.  You can hold your arms out straight to help you balance.  Quickly jump up and then back down into a squatting position.  Do this for one minute then move onto the next move...
Butt Kicks:  It's literally like you are kicking your butt :)  Run in place but try to touch your glutes with each heel as they go up.  Do this in a fast pace motion.
Jumping Tires:  Pretend there's about five big tires on the floor and you have to step one foot in each tire.  Move your feet quickly.  When you've hit the end of the room or hall start over until one minute is up!
Rest for about 30 seconds then start over.  Try to do three or four sets of these and feel the burn!

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