Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chicken Tortilla Soup

Chicken Tortilla Soup
My cheat meal last weekend was Mexican food.  I had never tried the Chicken Tortilla soup before since I don't really think of eating soup at a Mexican restaurant, so I decided to try it, and of course I loved every bite!  So, as usual, I came up with a healthy version :)  This is healthy and very quick and easy!  Goes well with a grilled cheese sandwich too, but I didn't go that far ;)
1 cup Trader Joe's organic low sodium chicken broth
1 tsp. of natural tomato paste
1/2 cup of fresh sliced tomatoes
1/2 cup of chopped onion
Green chilies (remember these are hot so I only put a few slices in the soup)
0.3 oz. Avocado
Garden of Eaten blue tortilla chips (I bought these at Whole Foods and only used about 8 chips)
Cummin to taste--this is spicy so if you like spicy dash away!
Onion powder to taste
Garlic powder to taste
4 oz. chicken breast
Slice and dice the chicken and cook in a pan and saute the onions and tomatoes with the chicken.  Put the other ingredients into a pot.  Once the chicken is cooked pour this and the onions and tomatoes into the pot along with the other ingredients and heat for about 5 minutes.  Top the soup with the chips and avocado.
Nutrition Facts:
245 calories
31 grams of protein
17 grams of carbs
5.5 grams of fat

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Grocery List

I've had several friends ask me what I eat to stay lean and healthy.  I'm sharing that secret with you!!! Below is a "staple" list of what I always keep in my kitchen.  What you see is what I use to make all of my recipes too!  Eating organic is definitely better for you, but sometimes that can be pricey!  You don't have to buy your groceries at fancy organic stores.  Just make sure you look at the labels and compare calories, sodium, fat, and carbs!  Make going to the grocery store fun and educating for your family too!  It's amazing how creative you can be with the foods I've listed.  I usually change it up....It's all about presentation!

My Grocery List:
Sliced Mushrooms
Sweet potatoes
Dry Oatmeal
Greek Yogurt
Chicken Breast
99% Lean Turkey
Lean Fish (Tilapia, Salmon, Orange Roughy)
Salt-free Rice Cakes
Natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter
Natural (salt free) Almonds
Sugar Free Coffee Creamer
Low Carb Protein Powder
Salt-free Seasonings
Unsweetened Baking Cocoa
Low Sodium Baking Powder
Ezequiel Low-Sodium Bread
Olive Oil
Unsweetened Soy Milk
Go Lean Kashi Cereal
Fat Free Cooking Spray
Agave Nectar and Sugar Free Syrup
Spaghetti Squash
Brown Rice
Plain Couscous
Beans (dry)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fruit Crepes

This is what I ate for breakfast this morning!  It's basically fruit and yogurt wrapped up in a thin pancake!
2 egg whites
.5 cup of oatmeal
Greek Yogurt
Fruit (blueberries, peaches, sliced apples, raspberries, etc.....I used frozen strawberries)
Cooking Spray
Directions:  Mix the oatmeal and 2 egg whites with a little cold water in a blender.  Pour into a small cooking pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Brown each side until done like a pancake.
This makes 2 pancakes.  Let them cool down for about a minute then spread 1 tbsp. of Greek yogurt on each pancake.  Pour the fruit down the middle of each then roll up and secure with toothpicks.  Top each one with the leftover fruit juice and cinnamon.  You can also use fat-free cream cheese instead of the Greek yogurt.  This was very delicious and changed it up some from eating a regular pancake!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Indoor Plyometrics

If you're stuck inside with this terrible weather and are snowed in don't worry! You can do these simple exercises right in your home with no equipment.  Do each one for one minute before moving onto the next exercise.  I love plyometrics because it keeps me from getting bored, there's no equipment involved (normally), so I can do them anywhere, and it burns body fat!
Lunge Jumps:  Stand in a lunge position with one foot forward and the other in the back.  Jump up then switch feet.  Alternate feet at a fast pace while lunging down for one minute then move on to the next exercise.
Jump Squats:  Squat down like you're about to sit in a chair with your chest out and back straight.  You can hold your arms out straight to help you balance.  Quickly jump up and then back down into a squatting position.  Do this for one minute then move onto the next move...
Butt Kicks:  It's literally like you are kicking your butt :)  Run in place but try to touch your glutes with each heel as they go up.  Do this in a fast pace motion.
Jumping Tires:  Pretend there's about five big tires on the floor and you have to step one foot in each tire.  Move your feet quickly.  When you've hit the end of the room or hall start over until one minute is up!
Rest for about 30 seconds then start over.  Try to do three or four sets of these and feel the burn!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cinnamon Protein Loaf

Cinnamon Protein Loaf
I've been craving cinnamon buns and getting ready for a show in March is not good!  So.....this is a healthier version of a cinnamon bun that I threw together!  It tastes just like a cinnamon bun too :)
1.5 scoops of vanilla protein powder
Splenda or Truvia (2-3 packets)
Cinnamon (however much you want)
1 egg white
1 tsp. of baking powder
Directions:  Take the above ingredients except set aside the half scoop of protein powder and mix together in a bowl.  Pour the mix into a mini loaf pan, or you could use a muffin pan if you prefer that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Bake the loaf at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes or check until the top is lightly brown.  Meanwhile, to make the icing use the half scoop you set aside and mix with cinnamon, one packet of Splenda or Truvia and a little cold water.  You want this to be somewhat thick since it is the icing, so do not add too much water.  After the loaf is done baking take it out of the pan and let it cool for about 2 minutes.  Punch holes into the loaf and drizzle the icing mix on top.  This tastes great with a cup of coffee!  Enjoy!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mixed Berries Protein Shake

Blueberry Pineapple Protein Shake
Here's another tasty post-workout shake that you'll love!  Make sure you drink this at least 45 minutes to an hour right after your workout!
.25 cup of mixed frozen or fresh berries
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
Mix all of the above ingredients in a blender.  

Post workout Shake

Post Workout Shake
Your body needs protein and carbs after a hard workout!  Try this simple protein shake after hitting the gym!
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
1/2 banana
1 1/2 teaspoons of Glutamine
Directions:  Mix all of the above ingredients in a blender and drink up!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Power Yogurt with Berries and Cereal

Here's another "No Cooking" involved recipe!  You can eat this for breakfast, before a workout, or you could even make it into a dessert by layering each ingredient in a clear bowl and take to a cookout or get together!
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (you can leave this out if you are serving it to guests)
.25 cup of mixed berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries)
3 oz. of Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt
.25 cup of Kashi Go-Lean Cereal
0.2 oz. Almonds (Optional)
Directions:  You can mix all of the ingredients together, but if you want to layer it in a clear bowl to make it look nice and pretty I would start with the yogurt on the bottom, then the cereal, and then top with berries and almonds.  Repeat those layers if you want to add more.
Nutrition Facts: (based on the listed ingredients)
213.33 Calories
33.19 g Protein
17.1 g Carbs
3.3 g Fat

Pepperoni with Hummus appetizer

Don't have time to cook?  Last minute party plans?  Well, here is a very simple two ingredient recipe that requires NO cooking :)
Pepperoni slices (or you could use salami slices)
Directions:  Spread hummus on each slice, roll up, and secure with a toothpick!  That's it!  Quick, simple, healthy, and delicious!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Eggplant Pizza

Here is a pizza that you can enjoy without the calories!
No salt added or organic tomato paste
Sliced mushrooms
Chicken that has been cooked
No salt added seasonings
Olive Oil
Directions:  Slice the eggplant into half-inch slices or thinner.  Place on top of a pan that has been covered with foil and spray the foil and the eggplant with olive oil on both sides.  Place the eggplant in the oven and brown each side at 400 degrees.  After the eggplant is browned then spread each slice with the tomato paste then top with spinach, mushrooms, avocado,  chicken, and seasonings.  Place the pizzas back in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes at 400 degrees.
You can also add onions, tomatoes, and fat-free cheese if you want!